- A Categorisation of Acquired Language Disorders with Special Emphasis on the Symptoms and Causes of Alexia: this is neuro-psychology rather than philosophy,but I include it here since it was written as part of my Masters in Cognitive Science, which was run in a Philosophy Department.
- Some Comments on Slezak’s Analysis of Descartes, Gödel and Lucas
- Functionalism: another essay for the M. Cog. Sci course
- Human Cognitive Capacity: ditto
- Three Theories of Semantics in Generative Grammars: ditto
- Visualising Boolean Operations on a Hypercube (More mathematical than philosophical, but I’m just gonna put anything related to logic into this category)
- Masters thesis Possible Models Diagrams: a new approach to teaching propositional logic
- A Comparison of Techniques for Introducing Material Implication, conference paper at the DIMACS Symposium on Teaching Logic And Reasoning In An Illogical World
- The Evaluation of “Possible Models Diagrams” for the Teaching of Propositional Logic
- The Laws of Nature and their Limitations
- Hegel’s Master-Slave Dialectic and its Role in his Analysis of Conscience