The Girard Reader

Just finished the rather daunting project of trying to understand Rene Girard through the selection of readings in The Girard Reader. Like most deconstructionist and phenomenological writers, Girard’s style makes hard work for the reader! I was very pleased to read at least these main parts of the primary source material but in the end…

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The Shack

Suppose you wanted to write about what God is really like, about God’s intention for us, about why God lets us suffer. Being a good storyteller, you decide to get the message across by weaving a dialog with God into a fictional setting. So you come up with a gripping story line and then put…

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“Glut” by Alex Wright

The Sydney UX Book Club is going to discuss Glut at the next meeting so I’ve been reading it. Here’s a few comments and quotes: It immediately seems a more balanced book than Everything is Miscellaneous, giving more credence to the value of hierarchical information structures. “The fundamental tension between networks and hierarchies has been…

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