Performance Appraisals

In Management Today (March 2011), Dr Tim Baker presents a suggestion about how to improve the employee performance appraisal process. He proposes that the following five 10-minute conversations be repeated each six months:

Topic Content Key Questions
Climate review Job satisfaction, morale and communication

  • How would you rate your current job satisfaction?
  • How would you rate morale?
  • How would you rate communnication?
Training and development Development over the next 6 months

  • What are some skills you would like to learn?
  • What courses would you like to undertake?
Innovation and continuous improvement Ways to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the business

  • What’s one way you could improve your own working efficiencies?
  • What’s one way we could improve our
Improved performance Improving performance and standards

  • What are some opportunities for improved performance?
  • How can I assist you to do that?
Career Career direction and guidance

  • What part of your job do you enjoy?
  • What would we need to do to help you develop?

I like the idea of a continuous process rather than a scary once-a-year meeting. This needs to be balanced, however, with a couple of things. First, it is essential that these are conversations – not just the manager asking questions. The questions should lead to agreed goals. And second, the process needs to be augmented with specific times when the manager rates progress and advises about salary increases.

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