South Africa, 1990
What a great thrill it is to see God showing off!
He splashes his creativity so widely and paints his grandeur so thickly that I almost weep with Joy.
God loves to see his people rejoice. |
He forms massive green-grass covered mountains to reach into the clouds,
He tops them with cliffs and scatters gullies between them,
He sends rain to fill the gullies with cool streams,
He organises the wind so that his birds can drift without effort,
He positions such a vast variety of plants in such a way that every turn reveals something new,
He calls out a full moon at night to highlight the contours in silhouette and to reveal the quiet strength of his monuments.
For those who may not have noticed his majesty, he sends thunder to announce his presence and lightning to proclaim his power.
In truth –
“The world is charged with the grandeur of God, It will flame out like shining from shook foil”.
And he does it all for me, that I might have life in all its fullness! He does it because he loves to see his people rejoice and for that reason I rejoice all the more. (He also rejoices to see his people love, but that’s another story.) But you must understand : it’s not just that God loves it when his people rejoice, but God loves, so that his people may rejoice.
If the glory of creation is great, how much more the glory of the Creator!
God loves it when his people rejoice.God loves, so that his people may rejoice. |
Let all that is within me bless his Holy Name!