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Biography and Family
Barry John Clarke
Blessing for my parents
Eulogy for my father
Eulogy for Valerie Clare Clarke
St Matthias
The Unobserved Grief … of every man whose wife has left him
“Feminist Hermeneutics and Biblical Studies”
A synopsis of Rene Girard’s mimetic theory
Allegory and Rhetoric in the Parable of the Wicked Tenants (Mark 12:1-12)
Athanasius’ “On the Incarnation”
Australian Christian Communities
Believe the Very Best – some comments on The Lion King
Bible Investigations
Dialog With God
The Face of God
Brokenness as a Mark of the Church
Commentary on specific Bible verses
Infectious holiness
Matthew 9:9–13
Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:26-40)
Romans 13:1-7
Romans 7:7–25
Exegesis of Tobit Chapter 12
Group study of Psalm 103
How might interactions between Australian Indigenous spirituality and Western Christian “orthodoxy” enrich the methodology and content of Christology?
Karl Barth on the Possibility and Limits of Knowing God
Marcion and the Violence in Hebrew Scriptures
Mercy in the Reformed Tradition
Presentation and Discussion on The Authority of the Bible
Scattering Church: Effective Mission in the Post-Institutional World
“There was a man who had two sons” … but what happened to the mother and daughters?
Christ in You – The Hope of Glory
Experiences of Christmas
Expressing the Inexpressible
Jesus and Fish
Jesus Turns the World Up the Right Way
Myth and Fact
Our Response to God
Peter and Jesus
The Face of God
The Generosity of God
The Parable of the Lost Son
The Refining Fire and the Winnowing Fork
What do we value?
What is a Saint?
What is God Like?
Why Does God Do Anything?
Shrove Tuesday
Singing is Not Worship
The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians – Synopsis
The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians and its depiction of early Christian corporate life
The influence of Athanasius of Alexandria on contemporary approaches to Theo-drama
The Maleness of God
The Sacredness of Sex
The Shack
The uniqueness of Christianity in the mimetic theory of René Girard
What is the church for?
Wholeness and Holiness
Worship Books
Computing and Computer Education
A South African Case Study of University Computer Literacy Education
Change management is paramount
Changes in Entry-Level University Students’ Attitudes to Computers from 1985 to 1997
CompComp 1993
CompComp 1994
Computer Literacy Test
Control and Community: A Case Study of Enterprise Wiki Usage
Controlling Privacy on Social Networking Services
Improving Exams
IT Sucks
On the Chances of Completing the Game of “Perpetual Motion”
Self-censorship using URLs
Social Responsibility for Computing Professionals and Students
Teaching the Empirical Approach to Designing Human-Computer Interaction via an Experiential Group Project
Technological Experience and Technophobia in South African University Students
Technophobia and Personality Subtypes in a Sample of South African University Students
The Information Architect as Change Agent
The Internet — Uses and Abuses
UX Design for Collaboration 2.0
Creative Writings
A vivid dream
An End to Entropy
Carrion Comfort
Cross-cultural Simulation Game
Drakensburg Psalm
Enacting 1 Peter
Exchanging Letters
Going to Church in the First Century
Incomplete sentences
Locked Away
No Use Knocking on the Window
Order and Chaos
The Night Watch
Executive Summary
Modern Slavery / Human Trafficking
A Momentous Week for Online Porn
Book review of “The Truth About Modern Slavery”
Book Review of Addressing Modern Slavery
A Comparison of Techniques for Introducing Material Implication
Acquired Language Disorders
Contra Slezak
Dilemma of Competitive Sports
Hegel’s Master-Slave Dialectic
Human Cognitive Capacity
Laws of Nature
No Contest
Possible Models Diagrams – A visual alternative to truth tables
Possible Models Diagrams: a new approach to teaching propositional logic
The Evaluation of “Possible Models Diagrams” for the Teaching of Propositional Logic
Three Theories of Semantics in Generative Grammars
Visualising Boolean Operations on a Hypercube
Publication and Presentation List
A Christian Response to Technology
A Model for Evaluating Progress (with Information Technology as an Example)
What Does the Bible Say about Technology?
Matt's Opus
The collected writings of Matthew C. Clarke
May 2007
Wreck at Waratah Bay
Matthew C. Clarke
May 14, 2007
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